Our Females

Skipper's Tiffany's Gem

AKA:  Tiffany

She is a traditional black & tan.  She weighs five and a half pounds.  She is the princess of the house.  And sleeps with me. 

She is a current breeding female

Skipper's Sugar Bear

AKA:  Sugar

She is a party female.  She weighs six pounds.  She is extremely smart.  Outgoing and friendly.

She is a current breeding female.

Skipper's Mia Amore

AKA:  Mia

She is a traditional blue & gold.  She is five pounds.  Short and stocky.  She is an excellent mama.  Who will nurse any puppy that needs to be nursed.

She is a current breeding female.

Skipper's Peppermint Patty

AKA:  Pepper

She is a nine month (posted August 2023) old female.  She weighs five pounds.  She is outgoing and insistent on getting lovings.

She is a current breeding female.

Skipper's Molly McGee

AKA:  Molly

She is an eight week (posted August 2023) old female.  She weighs about a pound and a half.  She is growing up.

She is an upcoming breeder.

Skipper's Queen Isabela Von Trap

AKA:  Izzy

She weighs five pounds.  And adopted my elderly mother.  She is not for sale.

She is retired.

Our females breed 4-5 times before being retired.  We sell the retired females, after they are spayed.  At a drastically reduced price.  To a "forever home".

We want them to find their forever home.  Where they can be Queen of their own castle.

// Wait for the document to be fully loaded // Initialize a Mutation Observer const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { // Check if the element exists and its text is "Not Available For Sale" const spanElement = document.querySelector('span[data-oe-field="prevent_zero_price_sale_text"]'); if (spanElement && spanElement.textContent === "Not Available For Sale") { // Change the text to "This Puppy Found a Home" spanElement.textContent = "This Puppy Found a Home"; } }); }); // Configuration of the observer const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, characterData: true, subtree: true }; // Pass in the target node (document.body), as well as the observer options observer.observe(document.body, config);