The No-No Can: A Guide to Quieting Excessive Dog Barking

Some dogs are diligent in alerting their owners to any perceived threat. However, their barking can sometimes border on excessive, becoming a nuisance not just to the owner but to neighbors as well. When vocal commands fail, what is one to do?

Some dogs are diligent in alerting their owners to any perceived threat. However, their barking can sometimes border on excessive, becoming a nuisance not just to the owner but to neighbors as well. When vocal commands fail, what is one to do? 

Introducing the No-No Can, a simple yet effective tool to curb unwanted barking.

Why Use a No-No Can?

When dogs get into a barking frenzy, they often become deaf to their surroundings, including your commands. The No-No Can disrupts this state, allowing them to focus back on the present.

Creating Your Own No-No Can

Step One: Find a Can

La Croix can

Locate an empty soda can. Drain it, rinse it out, and let it dry.

Step Two: Add the Noise Makers

coin bank

Fill your can with items that produce a clanking noise. You could use pennies, screws, or even small pebbles. A handful of 10 to 15 items is generally enough to create the required noise.

Step Three: Seal the Can

Use any kind of strong adhesive tape like duct tape or packaging tape to cover the hole at the top of the can. This ensures the noise-makers stay inside when you shake it.

Implementing the No-No Can in Training

The No-No Can should be introduced in a way that maximizes its impact. Timing is crucial. As your dog starts to bark, approach close enough for them to hear the can and give it a good shake. This interrupts the barking cycle and refocuses their attention.

Working Towards No-No Can Independence

The ultimate goal is to phase out the use of the No-No Can. Accompanying the shake with a vocal command will gradually train your dog to respond to your voice alone, eventually eliminating the need for the can.


The No-No Can is an affordable, DIY solution to controlling excessive barking. With proper usage and timing, it can effectively train your dog to focus on you and follow your commands, promoting a more peaceful environment for everyone involved.

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